Debian and Tabstarter on the OLPC X0

By , April 19, 2008 17:32

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wow, the X0 OLPC looks really nice: a ruggedized mini-notebook.

the sugar desktop looks also very interesting, but at first glance it is too different from typical western computers interfaces to be intuitive for a european.
the home desktop screen is very inspiring, but we wonder: why is it all gray?
does that safe energy? ๐Ÿ˜‰

it does not offer many programs and those which are installed take long to start.
they are mostly educational software and no games, except a memory.

we have a lot of ideas for this machine.. our tabstarter is already running on a Debian System.

there is a debian project that works on OLPC support and they released an installer.
its relativly easy to get X up and running, but it is slooow.
our tabstarter interface in Python GTK is working and we are testing out some programs now..

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