Category: General

Timetracking Linux and Web Tools

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By , August 15, 2010 04:04

Here’s a comparison of some programs in debian/ubuntu repositories, that help to keep track of your worktimes

This is in the Debian and Ubuntu repositories. it is programmed for the KDE window environment, but if you have all the KDE libraries already, just run this in a terminal:

wait! update first

it’s best practise to update the repositories before installing something, to get the latest versions:

sudo apt-get update

btw: sudo is only required in ubuntu, in debian type ‘su’ to get root access

sudo apt-get install ktimetracker

+ Nice and simple interface.
+ Timers
You can start and stop a timer when you begin and end a working session so you get the exact time.

+ It can even watch your desktops, including the virtual ones, so you can put all your work windows for example on desktop 2 and switching to 1 is enough to do something else and stop the counter. you will wonder about the short times it tracks (without mailchecks, etc.) !

must test the export..

For me this wins, because of the desktop tracking and  (sub) timers!

Gnome Time Tracker

Installation in Debian / Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install gnotime

Nice interface with description and “diary” textfields. Nice list of projects and timers to count worktime on a daily basis are integrated.

Some things in the interface are broken or not understandable: export does not allow to select a file, maybe something must be created first?

Subprojects? must test..

Tine2.0 Web Groupware

Nice webinterface. Besides Todolist, Calendar, CRM and few more modules, a Time-tracking tool is built into this web groupware.

+ So called “Time-accounts” represent the different projects. You can add “time-sheets” to these projects for every session or ideally the hours of every day. There are filters to show only one project or a relevant period or user. You can save these filter options as a favorite view. That’s really cool and flexible! One problem is, that you cannot redefine the default favorite, which it show at first.

+ Tine can store € per hour, “billable” and more billing infos, so you it automatically calculates the full time and price of a project.

There is no counter to start and stop the session times. You can only enter the periods, after you finished the day work. Its useful to keep track of the works of a team, but if you want to track the exact times, you need another timer-software and enter the periods from there to tine  :-/

Must test:  Exports!   It ~should~ export .ods, which would be reaaaaally helpful to present the time-sheet to clients directly or put it in a bill! But maybe i have to fill a bug report on that..


Is a good, old PHP web groupware with many, many modules. The project module interface is not easy to understand, but when you get it, you can even use time counters online.

Many functions in the projects module,…

EGroupware is a huge system, only for timetracking you do not want to install it. There are many options to setup, specially if there is more than one user, it gets really complicated to give correct permissions to everyone.

OpenOffice Table with Formulars

still the easiest and best solution?

+ Table calculation software offers a nice overview with dynamic calculations: Press [F2] in a table cell and you can enter formulars for calculation. This way, you can, for example, enter exact minutes and get hours by [cell] * 60.

+ In OpenOffice Writer you can keep track of times in a simple table inside a odt text-office document. No need to use Calc, the Table calculation

Also the other programs offer ways to enter billing info like € per hour.

– Teamwork? Its not easy to work together on stupid office documents. They are practically always locked by other users 😉

.odt file coming soon..

Eco-sostenibile search engines

By , August 13, 2010 21:06

Snufu suggested Ecosia on this Blog

Search engine test


I was looking  for:

(Gitschiner strasse 61)
At first it gave not such a good result compared to other search engines.

1.wrong result
2.wrong result
3.wrong result
4.wrong result
5.wrong result
robot portal:
7.wrong result
robot portal:
9.wrong result

but as second chance I searched a Blender Video Sequence Editor
The research gave better quality
then I decided to give a chance to Ecosia to be my eco “sucht-machine”
and I have installed the add-on for Mozilla many browsers are compatible
I asked Znout the same questions :

(Gitschiner strasse 61)
gave medium results, also if reacts super-fast, the results are 7 matching on 10

(Blender video sequence editor)
full prestation fast and correct

But it anyway uses the google search engine.
another one to test:

search engine comparisation

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By , August 13, 2010 02:50

I have let it run a question  “gitschiner strasse” in multiple search engine, just to check  REALLY  what was happening on a Berlin Address
and combine it with my curiosity to run a quality test


(Question:  Gitschiner 61)

1.Flow tech GmbH
beim “Silber Mitglieder” von einen SportVerein
2.Beim Robot-Portal:–strasse-gitschiner%20str._name–s1_filter-0.html
ABC-ETECH Inh. Dietmar Brillski Elektrotechnik (0) 0 5
beim Robot-Portal:,berlin,4617500,QOIVZNWW92A5C7.html
3.Zebra Comunication Gmbh
Beim Schlechte Evil Portal Pop up Bastards links:
beim Robot-Firmen Portal with no firma signed in (:|)
5.K. Mumcu
beimbeim Robot telephone catalogue

Yahoo  ??

( Gitschiner strasse 61)

1.The first, Top, search result is wrong give the number 91 – Buahahah –
2.wrong result : strasse nummer 94
3.  wrong result  94
4.“Dreieck Funkturm (motorway Hannover-Nürnberg), urban motorway to Tempelhofer Damm – Mehringdamm – Gitschiner Strasse – Skalitzer Strasse – Warschauer Straße “
5.wrong result

(Yahoo…Gitschiner 61)
1.Youtube- Miss Moth
2.wrong result
3.wrong result
4. Zebra comunication
5. Tutorial diversion (miss moth
6. wrong result
8.” JANUARY 24
REINHOLD FRIEDL / PHILIP SAMARTZIS / MICHAEL VORFELD – inside piano, prepared electric guitar, percussion, electronics
8P, new loft Christopher Dell for information
(culled from Sarah Wong – danke!) “beim:
9. wrong result
10. Robot route Map

(Yahoo failed the exame)

(Gitschiner strasse 61)

Offünungyeit 19:30 (jeden 1. und 3. Do im Monat)
Beim a sharing english website, human generated content, It specify on the page that in berlin they spaces are legal
2.Musicians: Christopher Dell (vibraphon), Christian Ramond (bass), Felix Astor (drums)
Recent CD: DRA: DRAREAL (edition niehler werft 2004)
Christopher Dell, c/o Institut für Improvisationstechnologie,
++49 (0)30 6167-5351, Fax ++49 (0)30 6167-5351,
Beim: Bundeskonferenz Jazz (German Jazz Meeting) :
3.[24/1/2009] Berlin, Germany
new loft, 8:00 pm, free entry
Christopher Dell, Gitschiner str. 61, 10969 Berlin
Beim musicianßs site

(Gitschiner strasse 61)

1.wrong result
2.wrong result
3.wrong result
4.wrong result
5.wrong result
beim robot portal:
7.wrong result
beim  robot portal:
9.wrong result

(Gitschiner strasse 61)

BTW NOTICE: Cool simulated pop up setup to turn off the search bar on the top of the blank page results for ever, in cookie, its Css styled not external js nasty-popup

1.“    March 27th, 2010, Villa Newman (Gitschiner Str. 61), Berlin, MISS MOTH: “Home Tour – the Answers to Solutions”
March 13th, 2010, Villa Newman (Gitschiner Str. 61), Berlin, Launching MISS MOTH       ”
beim :
d.qype → Fe61
e.Edition Niehler Werft
Music Label


NO results:

(CC )

(Amazon . Gitschiner strasse 61)

(de.wikipedia no results / similar results)

well those last search engines are empty but are the engines that we can fit into….. then we will fill theme;)

Small Render Farm or at least a Render Flat

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By , July 31, 2010 13:39

Producing small videos, animations and vjset live as a Freelancer, is easy questioning yourself about building a Render Farm machine to allow to work on huge amount of video data. In my case it will be maximum a Render Flat.

I m Not interested in producing cinema movies, but compositing for shorter projects. I use Blender, but I also use Resolume for vjing, I know how many frames go lost trying to record generated images, or live sets in digital format.

The machine must be cheap for the materials and eco-compatible with low energy consume. What is normally suggested to Do is : Do not spend more then 30% of what you will spend on a true one. A true one will cost a lot – around 30.000€ (Render Stream blog entry) minimum 15.000€, the 30% is between 4500€ and 9.000€

I cannot spend more then 3000€

For Networking TK is using old PIII mother board, but for video… I m afraid with low quality material you realize a machine with the same price of a powerful single computer that can maybe do the same work alone. Lets say I ll start with 8 cpu that will cost around 170€ each one for a total of 1200€ . There is still to calculate the hours of work of the technicians. After you got the case and cables we pass on the softwares, to connect the CPU with a workload management system Condor High Throughput Computing that will optimize the CPU usage, at least for performances, if not for eco-sustainability (but this sofware solution is even too big for my needs) .

The Big Buck Bunny used Sun’s Grid to coordinate average of 150 CPU’s at a time! producing around 4h per frame.

The best links to projects about DIY Render Farm found today: Helmer history (self built machine) this lovely monster is my target a cheap homemade in a great Iron case! he promise “…this machine just costs as much as a better standard PC, but has 24 cores that run each at 2.4 Ghz, a total of 48GB ram, and just needs 400W of power!!” cool explication DIY

MY ABSURDS Idea Considering I m Berlin based will be great to build the machine in horizontal and place it like a pavement on the floor, with a pipeline for ventilation with 2 exits, 1 outside the room and 1 inside the room. That can be a good winter solution to substitute coal heating for cheap rents and let in summer the hot air out

Niklas and Tk suggest both to use a Blender script and Tk seems to be convinced to can use one of our Networks computer, with 2 or 2×2 GHz, but I m speaking about a video-brain, usable for producing different kinds of videos, not an unique Blender output, for example a compositing of stop motion in HD with digital animation. A machine that allows you to promise good quality fast rendering, remember that is a job standalone to render, can even bring specific clients. I believe our 2×2 ghz network machine is enough to start, but in the while you render you will have no much possibility to use the computer otherwise. and you cannot risk to loose some frames for overloading and restart rendering the scene. Anyway is a long time project that can be realized before 2012, nothing now and nothing fast. Is only that I have 1000 projects and Im always in doubt how to invest the money, professional video camera or professional computer? both are around 3000€ Analyzing the market and my clients I ll say our computers are always running and the camera you can rent it for short period.

Shell Basics Workshop Report n. 3/3 Juli 2010

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By , July 27, 2010 03:24

>> nerdcafe Vetomat 26.7.2010        snufu/fuzzy speach, Zbog report

$ ncal -w

calendar for the current week (it shows the all month)

$ red

open a (strange) text editor in the terminal to go out: q + enter

$ mcedit filename

the famous midnight-command editor (apt-get install mc)

$ mc

clone of an oldschool filemanager


$ tput

initialize a terminal

$ reset

query terminfo database
(clear the complete terminal window)


$ cp "source" "destination"

copy files in directory (is an automatic paste)

$ mkdir "name"

make directory “name”

$ ls -l

list all the files and folders in the directory

(-l)     use a long listing format
as the details mode in a location window

$ ls -l "directory-name"

is giving the list of the called directory

$ pwd

Print Working Directory
shows the actual folder content

$ cd ..

go one level up

$ if cd /somewhere; then date;

Only if there is cd folder called like so then show the date

$ echo mario > test/.secret

with the point on the new name it will create a hidden file that is  normally not shown in the interface and  in the command ls

$ ls -a

to recall a hidden file in a list  -a

$ echo /.*

will call also all the hidden files


it represents the current directory


it represents the parent directory

$ rm filename

remove file

$ rm /dir/

remove folder

$ rm -r foldername

empty the directory    (delete the files but keep the folder)

$ set -x
$ set +x

start the behavior session
the commmand string is printed on screen before the execution

the command string session will not show anymore the command screen

$ echo foo | cat

“pipe echo foo into cat” write the info foo into the file and show the content (cat)
the 2 commands are connected to eatch other and have the same content

Report of Linux-works shell meeting in Vetomat 26.Juli.2010

Shell Basics Workshop Report n. 2/3 Juli 2010

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By , July 20, 2010 03:24

>> nerdcafe Vetomat 19.7.2010        snufu/fuzzy speach, Zbog report

$ nmap

scan the local subnet to check for available hosts – nmap returns all IPs of running machines in the specified subnet. scans IPs 1-100.

(you ll need to apt-get install nmap)

$ uptime

Shows when the pc started; how many users; load average; how many processes are running

$ date

gives you back a date and time

$ ncal

to call the calendar


Comment sign
to insert a not exacutable text, frequently used for human comunication instead of the normal typing in the terminal that is readed by default as a command to the computer


is a jolly to ask for existing files/Directory for example

$ echo D*

Desktop Dokumente…
(every file with the D as first letter in the directory where we are located)

$ fsdsf?

if you dont remember the last letter of a data
for example fsdfz
the command returns the possible files you are searching
like the asterisc but applies only on the last letter in doubt


the dollar $ itself
means a variable


the pipeline | between commands is to add multiple commands without writing multiple lines in the terminal


are to consider the string as text

$ rm filename

removes files – take care there is no restore the file will be deleted!

$ clear

clean the monitor terminal from previous output lines

$ iwlist wlan0 scan

scan for avalaible networks with network interface wlan0 (the 1. wlan card,usually)

$ ps

programs running by everybody

$ ps aux

more info about the running programs

$ ps aux | less

pipe the processes output into “less” – just for easy reading


to redirect and copy the command output to another program


attach the output left of >> to the end of the file right off >>
for example

$ echo hiho > foobar
$ cat echo >> foobar

will give as output



(escape) to take out special meaning and read the value as text
example echo “mb\”r*” gives the output

true is 0
and frequently in programming it is the opposite: true is 1 !!

$ wc

words count

$ wc -l

wordcount –lines

Report of Linux-works shell meeting in Vetomat 19.Juli.2010

Shell Basics Workshop Report n. 1/3 Juli 2010

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By , July 15, 2010 03:20

>> nerdcafe Vetomat 12.7.2010        snufu/fuzzy speach, TKilla report

LinuxWorks workshop about Linux usage of the terminal.

Weekly appointment every Monday in Vetomat at 19:00. Scharnweberstrasse 35, F’hain, Berlin.

the “shell” is the program in the terminal,
–> Application –>Accessories —>Terminal
where you can run all the commands installed on the system
(the shell is called “bash” or “sh” or similar)

>> nerdcafe Vetomat 12.7.2010        snufu/fuzzy speach;  Tk report

all lines in this text starting with $ can be executed in a terminal
watch the output of the commands!!  (almost) every error is written there!

useful commands:
Its enough to write few letters and use TAB key — multiple times —
to autocomplete the command!!

arrow-up key     – goes back to the previous command
ctrl+r command    – search in command history

the format of the command is always:

commandname parameter1 parameter2 ..
programname -h          or
programname –help  for a long version

gives a short help and possible parameters of the command

$ man programname

manual of the program – RTFM – read this to know what it does 😉

$ apropos burn cd

tells which programs are doind the task

$ ssh user@hostname

login to another computer by console

$ screen -x

join a shared session (on another computer)
must be connected before to (ssh username@hostname)
screen runs multiple terminals (on a remote system) and you can switch between them

screen commands:
ctrl+a    a    – switch to another terminal
ctrl+a  ESC      – scroll with cursor keys

$ ls

list content of current directoy

$ ls -a

list –all: shows also hidden “.” dot-files (config files mostly)

$ less

shows 1 PAGE of output of a command  (contrast to “more” – that shows more 🙂 )

$ echo hiho > foobar

write hiho into the variable “foobar”

$ cat myman</pre>
<pre>$ tom

outputs the name of the var

$ cd /
"change dir" to root-dir "/"
"/" is the whole system - including all discs/partitions

[c]$ cd    or  cd ~

“change dir” to your home dir “/home/yourusername/”,

$ echo foo > file1

write “foo” into a textfile file1

$ cat file1

print output of file1

$ head

show first lines of file

$ head -n 50

show first 50 lines of file

pipe command “>”

$ iwconfig > file1

write _standard_ output to file1

$ iwconfig > file1

write _serror_ output to file1 – “2” is the code for error outputs

$ echo ritual > fileX

add lines to file

$ echo ritual2 >> fileX
$ echo ritual3 >> fileX

connect terminal to remote window system

$ ssh username@hostname

connect to another computer and executes commands there

$ ssh -X username@hostname

activate X11 windowing forward on other computer

$ username@hostname: firefox

starts for example firefox on the remote machine and shows it on your screen

$ mv    file1 newfile

move file1 to another

$ less filename

show content of a text file

JUnEx Plattform mit Joomla Community Builder Enhanced deutschsprachig

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By , May 1, 2010 18:18

Wir haben soeben unser neuestes Webprojekt freigegeben .:

Die verwendeten Joomla CMS Komponenten werden wir hier in einer Artikel Serie beschreiben und die entsprechenden, modifizierten Quellen im Juni als Patches hier veröffentlichen.

Dieses Web Community System ist im Auftrag von in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Gurol entstanden und dient der Vernetzung und der Information rund um den

Mit dieser Plattform geben wir allen Beteiligten (Besuchern, Referenten, Ausstellern und Organisatoren) die Möglichkeit zur effizienten Vernetzung vor und nach der Veranstaltung.

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Forum Das offene Forum bietet:
– aktuelle Infos zum JUnEx Kontakt- und Infotag
– ein allgemeines Infoboard rund um die Existenzgründung
– eine Rubrik zur Vorstellung für Existenzgründer/-innen und
junge Unternehmen
JUnEx Banner

JUnEx Banner

Da die vorhandene LONEX Internetseite auf Joomla CMS basiert, haben wir zuerst passende Community Komponenten  evaluiert und uns dann für die Verwendung der aktuellsten, deutschsprachigen “Community Builder Enhanced” Komponente mit dem “Kunena Forum” von entschieden.

Mehr dazu -sobald die Codes sortiert und kommentiert sind –

Demnächst in diesem Theater Blog…

Arduino Talk & Workshop Berlin – Proposal / Info

By , April 28, 2010 17:15

Who is interested to join the next Arduino talk & workshop in Berlin F’Hain?- please comment or mail

Workshop Info

Sensor forest on a breadboard

Sensor forest on a breadboard

Hardware Hacking -DiY- Faderboxes & Robots — Introduction to Hardware <-> Software Interaction

This introduction is intended for anyone interested in (easy) electronics hardware and (mostly easy) software coding. Artists / *Designers & Hackers of all kinds are invited to join the FREE sessions in Berlin Friedrichshain.

We will introduce the Arduino plattform and show some practical examples. Basics of electronics and some interesting components will be explained shortly, but there are no tricky mechanical works and no soldering and not so complicated electro-technically theories involved.

We will focus on software programming inside the Arduino editor to show how to read analog values from various sensors and output to LEDs and servo motors.

Big breadboard, many sensors + Arduino

Big breadboard, many sensors + Arduino

To get some interesting visual results, we will use Processing to display incoming values from sensors in various,graphical ways.

After the lesson, you should have an idea how to design & build your own simple robots (servo motors…) or sensoric controllers (MIDI / OSC faderboxes,..). We can focus on special topics (maybe MIDI Controllers) in a follow up workshop.

Synoptx Crew organizes all material, tools and a nice location.

BYO laptop and Arduino or contact us to join a collective order of electronic parts!

MirrorBot v3 – moving projections @ Suchtfaktor Party

By , March 13, 2010 18:41
Flash! People on the dancefloor - Mirror Station besides the DJ and the controller box in front

Flash! People on the dancefloor - Mirror Station besides the DJ and the controller box in front

Headsquatter VJ crew used the new version of the moving-projections-robot in MIKZ club in Berlin Friedrichshain @

Suchtfaktor Party 6.3.2010

Mirror Station in front of a beamer  and projection on the wall

Mirror Station directing the beamer projection on wall and roof

to create a visuals show with a moving projection.

The  2D (X+Y axis)  mirror-station was mounted in front of a 2500 ANSI lumen beamer – this was strong enough to produce very clear and big projections everywhere in the dancehall.

Two servo motors are driving one mirror in X- *and* Y- axis. The projection can be moved across the walls by a joystick or with automatic pattern programs, synced on beat of the music.

VJ desk: 2 video notebooks, 1 video-mixer, eeePC 701 preview screen, midi controller and mirrorbot controller

VJ desk: 2 video notebooks, 1 video-mixer, eeePC 701 preview screen, midi controller and mirrorbot controller

30° in vertical Y axis are enough to reach almost any point on the ceiling. Combined with more than 120° on the horizontal axis, it can project on any point on 3 of the walls.

Many guests on the dancefloor were surprised by the projections suddenly appearing and disappearing and when they discovered the mirror-station, they showed it to others. Some people came on stage to the VJ desk to ask how the moving projection works and some more came up to say that they liked the visuals show 🙂

It was fun to “play” the robot just like an instrument with the joysticks. When the positioning button is pressed on beat – matching to the rhythm – the projection is “dancing” across the room!

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