At first I was very disappointed, because my new Raspis showed only 256MB RAM, although the shop promised to deliver the new model with 512MB RAM.
Mr. Watterott answered my email- support request within 5 minutes (!). He told me, that it’s a software issue and pointed me to this link, showing how to identify, if the SoC has 512MB of memory:
Luckily my boards have a chip with “4G” in the model number 🙂
Shortly after that, I found out, that a new firmware already exists:
“Update: Those of you lucky enough to receive a 512MB Pi this morning can download updated firmware here. For example, download arm384_start.elf and rename it to start.elf on /boot partition. You will then have a 384M/128M memory split.“
Replacing the /boot/start.elf on the SD-card did the trick 😀
Today I received 2 Raspberry Pi boards from – Thanx for the fast delivery!
During installation and configuration some bugs appeared, so here are some notes to get around:
I used this debian wheezy image:
and followed the linux console install guide
At first various problems occurred: locale- and keyboard- config did not work in raspi-config, apt-get dist-upgrade failed to install libgcc1, …
so I changed the dd command to blocksize 1MB and re-installed the SD-card:
dd bs=1M if=~/2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdX
Those problems did not disappeared, instead:
- HDMI to DVI-D(igital) adapter works instantly
- USB-keyboard and mouse work instantly
- 1000mAH 5V adapter is strong enough to power the board with keyboard LAN and DVI connected
- apt-get dist-upgrade works
- locale- and keyboard- config works in raspi-config
- LXDE desktop works
- network and ssh-daemon up and running
Installation of some basic tools:
apt-get install mc screen rcconf tmux
Moving on to some multimedia stuff, I found alsa and sound- modules correctly installed, so I added:
apt-get install mplayer vlc
work in progress…

Raspberry Pi setup