Video Editor in Linux KDEnlive

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By , May 27, 2014 14:52

Kdenlive 0.9.6

Aspettiamo con ansia la versione 1!

Ha superato il test nella creazione basica di video amatoriali.

Unico Software video a permettere l’integrazione dei metadati all’interno dei file ogg.

Spero si specializzi nei formati liberi, cosí da diventare concorrenziale a livello professionale.

Devo ammettere che la gran parte delle volte che il software crasha é per un mio errore, o incaponimento nell’uso  inappropriato di immagini png e jpg.

Adatto alla creazione di brevi clips, ha retto un rendering di 6:30 di video con 4 tracce videoo, animazione frame by frame con png sequence, ogni livello ridimensionato e color corrected, con 20 minuti di rendering.

Niente male!

Un cruccio che ci siamo portati appresso era l’impossibilitá nelle versioni precedenti di fare “reverse speed” che ora é un effetto disponibile per far girare il video al contrario.

Designer Work Tools 2013

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By , November 9, 2013 15:33

I can already complaiine that none of the tools for live CSS editing, support SASS or LESS  (or other pre processor).

But they speed up your life so much we cannot complaine longer.

CSS updater

FireBug plug in
Prerequisites: Adobe Air, Firefox and minumum FireBug

Style Editor 1.0
Requirements: Firefox 12.0 and later
Ma con Firefox 25.0 non compare il menu in right click

Synoptx LiveStyle

Propertary plugin build in PHP and Javascript is a multiplatform solution, adaptable for different CMS: WordPress Drupal Joomla. is the direct son of the propertary Spacecake CMS of the Web and Software Developer


What a waste Filezilla Colorpicker it copy just the color hexe code that are wrote in the css code


Not only the best colorpicker on add ons market but also a precious tool for gradient generator!
Colorzilla pick also the value color from images, jpg… converting in webstandard Hex format.
If I can say something the only bad thing will be to have another standalone on the tollbar of my browser.

Metadata e archivistica

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By , November 6, 2013 14:53

Arkiwi é un archivio Audio/Video che si basa sui metadata per mostrare le informazioni dei files. Le Metatag sono informazioni riguardo il contenuto come il titolo o l’autore del brano che vengono incorporate direttamente nel file. Il sistema dei metatag viene usato comunemente per gli audio player, ad esempio il titolo metatag viene visualizzato nei players, in mancanza di cui si legge il nome del file che spesso é oltretutto impresentabile perché scritto in maniera criptica o autoreferenziale come “oei_11.ogg”. Nella messa in onda da una webradio i metatag diventano ancora piú importanti, visto che la selezione musicale viene ascoltata da persone che non sanno il nome di ció che ascoltano, l’ignoto ascoltatore legge: oei_11.ogg e spreca un secondo a cercare di decifrare. Se si fosse usato il campo Titolo dei Metatag “Otra Europa Info 11”, il display avrebbe mostrato il nome corretto e comprensibile, inoltre é estremamente comodo per il DJ poter leggere informazioni riguardo il brano direttamente da dentro il software di riproduzione musicale. Continue reading 'Metadata e archivistica'»

wtf/ pro minute on unbelievable levels

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By , October 20, 2013 19:45

We got to work on a website were already 4 different groups (individual and studios) worked on.

Was a mess, we are collecting the best absurd thing from the code.

Have fun!

h2:first-letter {position: fixed;}

How to write not comments, comments are made to help understand, not playng role games while coding :

#conttopl .field-title {/*moved 2 line 832*/}

Nomads USB-Zine 2012

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By , October 20, 2013 19:07
Building Up the first Nomads USB-Zine

The Nomads USB-zine is a mixture of brochure, videos and info material that become a multimedia Fanzine on USB stick media.

With the USB-zines we can distribute our info material on demand,  decreasing the consume of media support as DVD or Paper to promote our ideas.

We organized a standard version with a selection of our production, or we refill the USB following specific request from the people, in a Live Peer to Peer sharing moment.

Author: Nomads Guinee Zbog


Working on universal standard to let the project run on every platform, Linux, Windows and Mac.

As Nomads we work with open source softwares on all platforms at the same time,  I generate all the files on Linux platform, also when exported in commercial file format like .pdf and .ppt

The first idea was to let self-open a menu file with listed all the content, but normally the Hacker community suggest to use not the autorun and dont encourage the market to use it, because anyway the autorun will be blocked from any good protected system.

So we plan a FAT32 partition, on the USB sticks,  the mostly compatible file system to work on different OS platform.

Afterlife (of the fanzine USB stick)

It’s an eco-friendly choise not only because on the USB fits different formats at the same time, after u read or copy our fanzine files out of it, you will reuse the same media for your daily life, and that’s a pretty smart way to reduce the production impact!

We really appreciate the USB live systems build up for security so we do encourage the usage of those Operative systems Debian based to let run a live system on USB stick:

Linux Light —– Security (Deutsch)

Freepto —— Cript or die (Italiano)

Tails —— Security (English)

Install fonts using Terminal in Lubuntu

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By , January 28, 2013 01:56

I found a simple guide HowTo install fonts using the Terminal and I tested it on Lubuntu enjoy it!

HTML5 Video

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By , November 26, 2012 17:00

So, here we are, with the hope to kill Adobe flash player from our carrier.

The only chance ATM (at the moment) is HTML5 video embed.

the compatibility does not seem to be so good:

  • MP4 opera 10.6 does not support this format
  • OGG/OGV  explorer 9 and safari 5 do not support
  • webM explorer 9 and safari 5 do not support

WTF!!! we can anyway integrate all 3 formats::

  • .mp4 = H.264 + AAC
  • .ogg/.ogv = Theora + Vorbis
  • .webm = VP8 + Vorbis

<video poster=”immagine.jpg”>
<source src=”esempio.ogv” type=”video/ogg “>
<source src=”esempio.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>
<source src=”esempio.webm” type=”video/webm”>
<p>this text will be visualized if the browser do not support HTML5. Download the video <a href=”esempio.webm”>here</a>.


You can also insert controls command inside the VIDEO tag

controls adds a default video control overlay;

width and height: dimensions with preload:

start the video download in autorun or not with preload=”none”
u stop it specify a codec inside the SOURCE tag

<video autoplay=“autoplay” loop=“loop” controls=“controls” tabindex=“0” preload>

<source src=”movie.webm” type=’video/webm; codecs=”vp8, vorbis”‘ />


explorer 8 does not read the tags, there are some ways to add theme in js:
<script type="text/javascript">
or  use the already done files used in the file html5.js
For an even better compatibility with Flashplayer < 10 the fallback flash object requires flv file, not mp4.


codecs="vp8, vorbis"

UNRESOLVED WP Multisite bugs

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By , November 7, 2012 07:17

This post is WIP

WordPress 3.4.1

Plug in: WordPress Importer

Missed categories
“Ho notato un errore nel blog.
Zbog mi diceva che postavo le cose senza aggiungere le categorie
in realtà, quando posto le robbe dal network mexico,
mette le categorie , una volta ripostate da li nella pag centrale nn compaiono” PkT

Ravanando nell’installazione multisito trovo che effettivamente le categorie del sito principale e dei vari sottositi non combaciano.
Al contrario di PkT io postavo dal sito principale e nel correllato sito guinea le Category erano scomparse.
Ma anche le stesse categorie con stesso settings, non vengono riconosciute.
Creandone di nuove non compaiono nei siti correlati…

Ho trovato molto interessante questo Blog post
da dove traggo l’informazione che google e simili potrebbero leggere i post identici di un multisito come spamming, e far scendere di visibilità l’indirizzo del sito.
Quindi sarebbe meglio limitare il numero dei Post doppioni, meglio usare pagine che visualizzano tutti i post con le stesse category e tag.

Proprio ciò che non funziona!
proverei prima con una diversa plugin:

“This plugin creates a new blog on your server for all the posts on your site, much like ”

CSS multisito
Suggerisco di dare un impaginazione standard, a tutti i siti nel network, almeno per quanto riguarda il box selector,
dato che se il post ha 3 foto in verticale una dopo l’altra affiancate dal testo grazie al posizionamento <align=”links”>
si perde il bordo vertical and horizontal settato nell’interfaccia.

Log in
altro bug se accedo dal sito principale, poi edito il post dalla dashboard del sottosito, e lo condivido sul principale non compare sul sito madre

Enable 512MB RAM on latest Raspberry Pi

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By , October 19, 2012 20:20

At first I was very disappointed, because my new Raspis showed only 256MB RAM, although the shop promised to deliver the new model with 512MB RAM.

Mr. Watterott answered my email- support request within 5 minutes (!). He told me, that it’s a software issue and pointed me to this link, showing how to identify, if the SoC has 512MB of memory:

Luckily my boards have a chip with “4G” in the model number 🙂

Shortly after that, I found out, that a new firmware already exists:

Update: Those of you lucky enough to receive a 512MB Pi this morning can download updated firmware here. For example, download arm384_start.elf and rename it to start.elf on /boot partition. You will then have a 384M/128M memory split.

Replacing the /boot/start.elf on the SD-card did the trick 😀

Rasperry Pi SPI Touchscreen X-Server

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By , October 19, 2012 19:37

Thanks to Dominique Gallot and vis, I managed to drive a MI0283QT-2 color touchscreen on the raspi 🙂

I followed the steps at and added the framebuffer driver by vis to run X and LXDE-desktop. 40px in vertical are missing and touch is not working yet, but it’s very funny to use a mouse on the mini-screen.

Dominique Gallot’s howto is very accurate, so these are just additional notes to avoid a few catches I noticed:

  1. Install debian –  the Chris boot kernel was not required – the module spidev is already included in the latest debian image
  2. Put this line into /etc/modules:  modprobe spidev bufsiz=256000
  3. Install wiringPi
  4. Download and compile MI0283QT2-pi
  5. Download the framebuffer driver by vis: into a subfolder on the same level as MI0283QT2/ and compile it with:                         gcc -lstdc++ -iquote ../MI0283QT2 fb.cpp ../MI0283QT2/MI0283QT2.cpp ../MI0283QT2/font*.c -o fb
  6. Put into /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d to set X server resolution to 320×200 px
  7. Unplug HDMI ( / DVI adapter)
  8. Move all USB devices to a powered hub
  9. Use a stroooong 5V usb power supply – a 1000 mAh smartphone plug was not enough
  10. Run these commands from a terminal connected via SSH as root:
gpio load spi
gpio -g mode 18 pwm
gpio -g pwm 18 1000

start the x-server in a second console:


As you can see in the pictures, the startmenu of LXDE is not really readable and the terminal- fonts are too small, but I’m sure to find some nice applications for this setup.

The gameoflife demo runs very well: its fast and stable. It uses 30-34% CPU

Building instructions

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SynOptX Lab Theme